Thoothoor Forane
Thoothoor Episcopal Vacariate (Thoothoor forane) is an important region under Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum, also called as Tamil Region of the Archdiocese. Thoothoor forane contains 8 coastal villages such as Erayumanthurai, Poothurai, Thoothoor, Chinnathurai, Eravi Puthenthurai, Vallavilai, Marthandanthurai, and Neerodi. These 8 villages are primarily located between Arabian Sea and the AVM Canal. With increasing population, now many villages have got its extension beyond AVM Canal and these extended areas are called by the name of the respective villages or by the name of the parent parish in case of mixed polulation.
Little about the 'Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum':
- Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) Archdiocese is one of the biggest diocese in Kerala having a Catholic population of more than 2,50,000 people. On 17th June 2004, Holy Father Pope John Paul II has elevated the Diocese of Trivandrum into an Archdiocese.
- For the list of forane & parishes in the diocese,click here
Thoothoor Episcopal Vacariate
Parishes in Thoothoor Forane

Thoothoor Episcopal Vacariate
Thoothoor Episcopal Vacariate Office is situated in Kirathoor at the following address.
Galilee Thoothoor Episcopal Vicariate,
Kirathoor PO, K.K.District,
Tamilnadu, India. PIN 629181
- Thoothoor Episcopal Vacariate will function under the guidance of a Episcopal Vacariate Vicar
- Phone No.: 04651-240065

Parishes in Thoothoor Forane
Chinnathurai |
- St.Jude is the Patron of Chinnathurai church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-240708
- Chinnathurai is the nearest village to Thoothoor, situated at the west side of Thoothoor.
- The first line beauty of Chinnathurai is the very good church premisis with lot of space in front of the church. People use this space for common functions and natural relaxation.
- Core Websites on Chinnathurai:
- Other Web References:
Poothurai |
- St.Arulappar is the Patron of Poothurai church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-240713
- Poothurai is another nearest village to Thoothoor, situated at the east side of Thoothoor.
- It is believed by people that that Mother Mary appearing in Poothurai Church in front of the Eucharist box since Aug 18th 2008. (Click here for a report)
- Core Websites on Poothurai:
Eravi Puthenthurai (E.P.Thurai) (Puthenthurai) |
Erayumanthurai |
- St.Lucial is the Patroness of Erayumanthurai church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-240638
- Erayumanthurai comes after Poothurai.
- Erayumanthurai is place of beauty. In their word, 'a tranquil village, surrounded by Sea and river'.
- Sea erosion is the villain to Erayumanthurai. People here are fighting against it, to save their beloved land.
- Core Websites on Erayumanthurai:
Vallavilai |
- Mother Mary is the Patroness of Vallavilai church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-246157
- Vallavilai comes after Eravi Puthenthurai.
- Core Websites on Vallavilai:
Marthandanthurai |
- Our Lady of Dolours is the Patroness of Marthandanthurai church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-246158, 246032
- Marthandanthurai comes after Vallavilai.
- Core Websites on Marthandanthurai:
Neerody |
- St.Nicholas is the Patron of Neerody church.
- Parish/Church Phone No.: 04651-246430
- Neerody comes after Marthandanthurai.
- Core Websites on Neerody:

Other Neighbours

St.Thomas Community Hall |
Parishes in Thoothoor Forane |
Our Location Map |