Thoothoor Church
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Thoothoor Parish
Page Updated: May-2024  

Thoothoor parish is spiritually managed by the Catholic Church governing body. All parioshioners of Thoothoor, whether they live within the boundary of Thoothoor parish or remote, owe allegiance to St. Thomas Forane Church in Thoothoor. The parish priest(s) in this Church along with the elected parish council and finance council will intervene and manage the socio-economic life of the people. Members of the parish council and finance council are mostly selected by the parishioners through their respective basic christian communities (BCCs).

With Blessings from...
Holy Father
Pope Francis
His Grace
Most Rev.
Dr.Thomas Netto

Auxiliary Bishop
His Excellency
Most Rev.
Dr. Christhudas

Retired Archbishop
His Grace
Most Rev.
Dr. Soosa Pakiam


Vicar Forane and Parish Priests...
Vicar Forane (VF)
Fr. Silvester Kuris

since: 19-05-2024
Parish Priest
Fr. Fredy Solomon

since: 28-05-2023
Asst. Parish Priest
Fr. Robin Baldin
since: MAY-2024

Parish Council and Parish Finance Committee
Parish Council (Since 01-01-2023):
No. Designation Name Member Since
(Parish Priest)
Fr. Fredy Solomon28-05-2023
President (Parish Priest)
(from 29-08-2021 to 28-05-2023)
Fr. Shabin Leen
02Vice President
(Asst. Parish Priest)
Fr. Robin BaldinMAY-2024
Vice President (Asst. Parish Priest)
(from 28-05-2023 to MAY-2024)
Fr. Tomy Thomas
Vice President (Asst. Parish Priest)
(from 06-10-2022 to 28-05-2023)
Fr. Amutharaj.T
03Sister Representative
(Mother Superior, St. John's Convent)
Sr. Pooja28-05-2022
04Vice President
(Ward Member: Ward-1)
Mr. Nicolas01-01-2023
(Ward Member: Ward-7)
Mr. Jemald01-01-2023
(since March-2023)
(Nominee of Fr. Shabin Leen)
Mrs. Jasmine01-01-2023
(01-01-2023 to April-2023)
(Ward Member: Ward-9)
Mr. John Britto
07BCC CoordinatorMrs. Mallika01-01-2023
08Ward Member: Ward-2Mr. Bernarese01-01-2023
09Ward Member: Ward-3Mrs. June Mary01-01-2023
10Ward Member: Ward-4Mr. Jelestin01-01-2023
11Ward Member: Ward-5Mr. Sesadimai01-01-2023
12Ward Member: Ward-6Mr. Antony GPL01-01-2023
13Ward Member: Ward-8Mr. Amalraj01-01-2023
14Ward Member: Ward-9
15Ward Member: Ward-10Mr. Anthony Raj01-01-2023
16Pastoral Ministry ConvenorMrs. Jayaseeli01-01-2023
17Education Ministry ConvenorMrs. Sahaya Rani01-01-2023
18Youth Ministry ConvenorMs. Jancy01-01-2023
19Family Ministry ConvenorMs. Canty01-01-2023
20TSSS Ministry ConvenorMrs. Subha01-01-2023
21Laity Ministry ConvenorMrs.Receema01-01-2023
22Fisheries Ministry ConvenorMr. Nisanth01-01-2023
23Nominee of Fr. Shabin LeenMr. Jerikson01-01-2023
Finance Council (Since 22-01-2023):
No. Designation Name Member Since
(Parish Priest)
Fr. Fredy Solomon28-05-2023
President (Parish Priest)
(from 29-08-2021 to 28-05-2023)
Fr. Shabin Leen
(since April-2023)
Mr. Desious22-01-2023
(from 22-01-2023 to March-2023)
Mr. Babu Joris
(from the Parish Council)
Mrs. Jasmine22-01-2023
04MemberMr. S. Antony22-01-2023
05MemberMr. Robert22-01-2023

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